Home sweet home away from home . . . for a while anyhow.

A little shot of the national past time, well that and Crickett . . . and Rugby . . . oh and sailing. Well ok maybe not, but they sure like to fish here!
Tamaki Rd, a beach drive that snakes along the water front for 8km from down town Auckland.
A little shot of Rangitoto Island, the newest island in NZ at a Very young 800 years old!

Ah, to be young again, and chase birds with sticks!

You know, Crickett would be so much more appealing if it wasen't named after a insect related to the locust, and if you didn't look like such a pansy at bat.

Taken from the car, heading south to Cambridge.

A little shot of Froggarts, that was probably the tallest route there.



My view from my hammock in the morning!

By by, ABS, time for another 2 hour stint in Bryony's blue Ford Lazer!
the pics are cool.
Could it be a Ford Laser? 1983 by any chance?
Brother jay those are some great pics, good job at taking those..
And man that looks like a high climb up that rock face.. How did you do going up it?
Hope all is well, I look forward to more great pics.
Cheers from the island way up north.
Dude, sweet pics! Looks like you are having the time of your life down there? How is actual WORK going? Okay? Miss you, brother...
Hey Jason! glad you were able to get out climbing with Bryony. I've been up that big tall climb you had a picture of! And I have floated that river, though not in the dark wtih the glow worms. Aren't glow worms amazing? And the ABS lodge was my main home in New Zealand :) That's cool that you have seen it all! Glad you're having fun!
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